Solar system
Where spacecraft go to die
14 September 2017

Cassini breaks up as it plunges into Saturn.
Credit: NASA/JPL
On 15 September, NASA's Cassini spacecraft will conclude a nearly 20-year-long mission by diving into Saturn’s atmosphere. The heat and speed of entry will rip apart and vaporize the 2-ton probe, but it will gather data for as long as it can—a fitting finish for a mission that transformed our knowledge of the saturnian system.
Cassini’s demise was intentional. If it were left to orbit around Saturn, it may have one day crashed into the moons Titan or Enceladus, potentially contaminating their liquid oceans with earthly microbes. But other missions have had far less happy farewells.
Here, Science takes a look at the 42 spacecraft that, intentionally or not, have met their end on another planet.
Messenger was intentionally crashed into Mercury in 2015.
Credit: NASA/JPL, adapted by A. Cuadra/Science

Nearest neighbors
Because they are close to Earth, Venus and Mars harbor large numbers of dead landers.
In 2016, Schiaparelli crashed trying to land on Mars.
Credit: ESA/ATG medialab, adapted by A. Cuadra/Science


Producers: Garvin Grullón, Jia You Supervising producers: Alberto Cuadra, Beth Rakouskas Design, graphics, and data visualization: Alberto Cuadra, Garvin Grullón, Jia You, Val Altounian Web development: Jia You Research: Giorgia Guglielmi Text: Daniel Clery Editor: Eric Hand